University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Council on Teacher Education
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PDH Event
PDH Event
Name of Person Organizing the Activity
Organizer Email - separate email addresses using a semicolon
Organizer Phone Number
Name of Activity
Date(s) of Activity
Name(s) of Presenters
Examples (Campus Instructional Facility, Urbana, IL, Online via Zoom, Asynchronous)
Organization Name
Examples (Extension, College of Education or Center for African Studies)
Please provide a URL if you would like us to include this event on our events calendar.
Describe the activity.
Provide a statement indicating how this professional development activity impacted one or more of the three listed:
Educator and student growth in regards to content knowledge or skills, or both; OR
Educator and student social and emotional growth; OR
Align to district, school, or organization improvement plans.
To be accepted by ISBE, PDH activities must address teacher knowledge/skills related to one or more of sets of standards:
a) Illinois Professional Teaching Standards
b) Illinois Learning Standards for preK-12 students
; and/or
c) Educator preparation program standards in the relevant content area
(Select National Preparation Program Standards).
Write a statement showing the relationship between the content of the PD activity, specific relevant standard(s), and at least one of the following criteria established for PD activities: Engages participants over a sustained period of time allowing for analysis, discovery, and application as they relate to student learning, social or emotional achievement, or well-being; or Aligns to the licensee's performance (evaluation); or Includes outcomes that relate to student growth or district improvement; or Aligns to State-approved standards; or Are college courses
Explain the intended impact on student learning or well-being.
PD Hour Considerations for Mandated Trainings
Generally speaking, health-related, mandated training topics do not align with professional development purposes outlined in Section 218-45(h) of the School Code and do not count for professional development hours. However, if a provider can ensure content is robust enough to align to the criteria outlined below, professional development hours may be awarded. Topics must address
student learning
school improvement
to be used for professional development hours.
Check if yes.
Mandated Training
Check whether the proposed activity addresses the professional development purposes below as they related to student learning and school improvement.
Increases the knowledge and skills of school and district leaders who guide continuous professional development.
Improves the learning of students.
Organizes adults into learning communities, whose goals are aligned to those of the school and district.
Deepen educators’ content knowledge.
Provides educators with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigorous academic standards.
Prepares educators to appropriately use various types of classroom assessments.
Uses learning strategies appropriate to the intended goals.
Provides educators with the knowledge and skills to collaborate.
Prepares educators to apply research to decision-making.
Provides educators with training on inclusive practices in the classroom that examines instructional and behavioral strategies that improve academic and social-emotional growth outcomes for all students, with or without disabilities, in a general education setting.
Provides educators with training on the physical and mental health needs of students, student safety, educator ethics, professional ethics, and other topics that address the well-being of students and improve the academic and social-emotional outcomes of students.
PDH activities must be designed in keeping with principles from the Standards of Professional Development standards from Learning Forward.
Check whether the proposed activity addresses the standard alignments below. Read the information
before selecting the professional development standard(s) below with which your activity best aligns.
Check the box next to each question for which the answer is "Yes".
Does this Professional Development build educators' understanding of the lived experiences and needs of the students, families, and communities they serve?
Does this Professional Development contribute to improving students' access to learning by understanding how students' identities affect their lives and contexts for learning?
Does this Professional Development build educators' capacity to develop and implement policy guidelines on high-quality curriculum to promote equitable learning opportunities for all students?
Does this Professional Development build educators' capacity to select high-quality curriculum and instructional materials using established criteria?
Does this Professional Development build educators' capacity to understand relevant content, professional, and performance standards?
Does this Professional Development build educators' capacity to apply relevent standards and research to daily work?
Does this Professional Development build educators' capacity to use professional learning to cultivate knowledge, practices, and beliefs around equity?
Does this Professional Development support educators in implementing a process to foster inclusive professional learning experiences?
Does this Professional Development build educators' capacity to use data to plan, monitor, and assess professional learning?
Does this Professional Development contribute to fostering a culture of transparency with data use?
Does this Professional Development contribute to establish educators' professional learning goals aligned with strategic priorities and identified needs?
Does this Professional Development develop educators' capacity to understand research on change to support implementation of clients' professional learning?
Does this Professional Devolpment apply research on change to plan and lead the initiation and implementation of educators' professional learning?
Does this Professional Development contribute to establishing educators' policy that guarantees equitable access to professional learning?
Does this Professional Development enact educators' professional learning system to dismantle barriers to student and professional learning?
Does this Professional Development build educators' capacity to leverage professional learning to dismantle barriers to students and professional learning?
Does this Professional Development support practices that foster continuous improvement?
Does this Professional Development build educators' capacity to engage continuous improvement?
Does this Professional Development support educators in articulating a vision for professional learning inclusive of all staff and aligned with strategic priorities and policies?
Does this Professional Development adopt Standards for Professional Learning to plan, implement, and evaluate system wide or school based professional learning?
Does this Professional Development contribute to establishing educators' system wide policy for professional learning?
Does this Professional Development contribute to designing educators' guidelines for allocating resources to support a comprehensive professional learning system?
Does this Professional Development contribute to prioritizing human, fiscal, material, technology, and time resources for statewide professional learning?
Upload Activity Schedule:
For each date, provide the beginning and ending time along with an outline of the day's agenda. PDH are awarded on a 1:1 basis - one clock hour of approved activity is one PDH. Meals, breaks, and other non-PDH activity cannot be used when calculating total PDH. PDH are calculated to the quarter hour.
Add an Agenda
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