PDH Evaluation

PDH Evaluation

Teachers wishing to earn PDH are required to complete this activity evaluation form within 60 days of the end of the activity. CoTE collects teacher contact information only to document that the evaluation was completed – all survey feedback is returned to the activity organizers with no personally-identifiable information attached. Teachers will receive the Evidence of Completion form via an email link in an automatically-generated email from cote-pdh@illinois.edu. Please mark this address as a safe sender or check spam or junk email folder)


* Name of Activity* Date(s)* Location* Name of Provider Action

Attendee Information

Information in the section must be entered exactly as it was entered on the Attendance Sheet filled in at the event or you WILL NOT receive your Evidence of Completion letter.

For each statement below, write the number (4 to 1) that best describes how you feel about your experience in this professional development.

4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Somewhat Agree 1 – Disagree

2. Indicate the outcome(s) of this professional development. (Check all that apply)

3. Identify those statements that directly apply to this professional development. (Check all that apply)

The activities offered for this event aligned to State-approved standards.